With passion and freedom and revolt
Living through pain after pain
Wondering why you’ve been through this
Never-ending hell of the last few
Noah…almost all years
But stubbornly decide to go ahead
And love!
And live.
And proclaim with absurd joy
That love exists.
That it is still real and bound to happen
Not by faith and external prompts
But by sheer persistence to offer it.
With passion and freedom and revolt
Living on the endless ice of existence
Holding on to dear life
Is it even dear?
It is, it is.
For the promise you made to yourself
That those 3 tiny marble elephants
They hold the future:
You know…the middle one is you
The tiny one is an unborn
And un-promised child
And the bigger (but just slightly) one
The impossible-future-love.
With passion and freedom and revolt
Because if nothing really makes sense
You can either give up, give in
Or stop and breathe. And find funny and
true in almost anything.
Morals? Sure, you can have those.
Ethics? Of course.
But freedom: tenacious, steadfast, unshakable
To live in the light aaaand be joyful about it.
Because even if the ice is ridiculously
Cold, and hope is nowhere to be found
Freedom to find that hope is, finally,
At hand.
Imagine generata cu beta.dreamstudio.ai – Stable Diffusion (prompt: „woman standing, wearing red in a free landscape stubbornly holding on to a broken chain matte painting”).