Sometimes it’s just dull pain
And other times…
Like ten thousand arrows
Raining down on your soul.

Sometimes you think it’s just
Another day
And then something stomps heavily
On one of your pressure points.

And every now and again, you pray:
Let this not be a day I break!
I must not break.

Pressure points. Stabs.
You ache, you burn. It’s real. It’s here.

But even if you break…
The bone that heals is stronger
The scars you get
Make you a warrior.

Even when you break.
Hold out your hand:
We’ve got you!

The ones you love.
We’ve got you.

No walking alone. Not for you.
No healing alone. Not for you.

We’ve got you.
Even when the pressure mounts.
Even if you break sometimes.

We got you. And love will hold you steadfast.

Have a rest, in unwavering love.
You’re worth it. We love you.

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